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The Fourth Ningbo Gourmets Festival Concluded

November 5, 2010

The Fourth Ningbo Gourmets Festival, which has been on for 22 days, was concluded the day before yesterday. During the festival, the six industries of hosptality, hotels, supermarkets, stores, tourism and automobiles made joint efforts to promote and stroke transaction volume of 220 million yuan, up 7% over the same period last year.
Restaurants and gourmet foods played a major part in the food festival, which have brought in 120 million yuan, up 9.8%. More than 160,000 people were attracted to the exhibitions, with the sales volume reaching 5.6 million yuan. The streets packed with eating places in Portman, Dasheng Road, and Jingjia Road put on various promotions. During the festival, the five streets brought in a transaction volume of 50 million yuan. Hotels like Shangri-La and Century Hotel realized 40 million yuan. In addition, stores, supermarkets, motels and scenic spots jointly put on various theme activities during the festival time, such as movies carnival, one-day outing, supermarket day, etc.  
(Source: Ningbo Information Center)